Mortgage Loans

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*Mortgage Insurance required based on amount of down payment

Construction Loans

Collinsville Building and Loan’s construction loans for primary residences are financed as construction-to-permanent, meaning you do not have to refinance after construction is over and your rate is locked in when you apply!

Home Improvement Loans

Looking to do some renovations? Collinsville Building and Loan offers home improvement loans for current loan customers –as well as individuals who do not currently have a mortgage on their home.  Call a member of our lending team today to receive a rate quote on a home improvement loan!

Investment Property

Whether you’re looking to refinance or purchase a single family or duplex residential investment property, Collinsville Building and Loan can help.  We offer fixed rate financing on single family and duplex residential investment property loans. A 20% down payment is required for all residential investment property loans. Call a member of our lending team today for the current residential investment property rates!

Land/Lot Loans

Collinsville Building and Loan can help you finance your improved lot or vacant land. Call a member of our lending team today for more information and a rate quote!

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Collinsville Building & Loan AssociationNMLS #409033
Courtney Dublar
NMLS #686802
Skylar Kline
NMLS #2178517
Anna Harpstreit
NMLS #1667581
Angela Cantoni
NMLS #2334953
Lisa De La Rosa
NMLS #2494487


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